Name: Ella Daneshmand
Age: 24
Origin country/town: Gothenburg
Other places where you have lived: Lived in a lot of cities around Sweden, Stockholm, Örebro, Halmstad, Kalmar and more.
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg
Languages: Swedish, Persian, English
Academic background: Bachelors in Journalism and media production. Here I got a lot of practical experience with all of the different parts of journalism.
Work background: News reporter for different radio stations at Sveriges radio. Researcher on a youth program at UR (Utbildningradion) who only produced material for social media. News reporter at SVT both different local stations and the national news, working towards online publishing and broadcasting. Also worked with different tv productions.
Writing skills (English): Good
Data and graphic skills: Excel
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES/NO
Yes, but not any super advanced stuff.
I have used Python: YES/NO
I know the basics.
I use other programming languages: YES/NO
If YES – which ones?
Audio, video, editing and publishing skills: Adobe programs, Premier Pro, Avid, and audio editing programs. I’m used to online publishing, probably not with any programs that are used outside of the work place I was at.
Special interests/knowledge relevant for research/investigative journalism: Working as a reporter I specially worked with questions surrounding migration and gang crime in Sweden. But also working a lot with online publication as a video reporter, I hope I can help with that.
Other skills/hobbies: Figure skater since forever and photographing.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: Finding your way around Gothenburg… Hopefully.
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here:
Contact details (preferred): +47 730463647 or email: