Name: Sandra Daniel.
Age: Turning 23 years.
Origin country/town: Born in Gothenburg, Sweden. Roots from Tigray in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Other places where you have lived: UK and Belgium. Spent a lot of time in Ethiopia.
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg.
Languages: Swedish, Tigrinya, Amharic, English, Spanish.
Academic background: Bachelor in European Studies, profile Political Science and Peace and Conflict. Also studied Environmental Politics and Movements, antibiotic resistance, theological ethics, historic and modern China.
Work background: Policy development (policy developer and political advisor) to different institutions like the EU and political processes in for instance climate policy, EU relations, Foreign Policy and from a human rights and human seucrity perspective, the Horn of Africa. Project Manager, variety of communication and advocacy for NGO:s. Reporter/researcher in public sector on democracy. Freelance lecturer on democracy and human rights.
Journalistic experience: No.
Writing skills (English): Good.
Data and graphic skills: No.
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES.
I have used Python: NO. Teach me!
I use other programming languages: NO. Teach me!
If YES – which ones?
Audio, video, editing and publishing skills: No. Teach me!
Special interests/knowledge relevant for research/investigative journalism: Horn of Africa, Foreign Policy, Aid and Development, EU relations, specifically EU-China-African continent.
Other skills/hobbies: Sports, music, painting.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: All things policy and politics, project management, language translation, places to go in Gothenburg, finding documents (especially EU and policy as well as research articles), WordPress.
Is there something you want to add? No.
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here:
Contact details (preferred): Telegram or Signal.