Name: Nancy Dordokidou
Age: 24
Origin country/town: Greece (Kavala)
Other places where you have lived: Spain (Madrid), Greece (Corfu)
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Greek
Academic background: Bachelor’s in Museology, library science and archives.
Work background: Worked in retail, as an assistant photographer, as a journalist and as a social media manager for different companies.
Journalistic experience: Worked as a journalist for the past five years both in Corfu and Kavala, Greece for various newspapers.
Writing skills (English): C2
Data and graphic skills: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): Yes
I have used Python: No, but I intend to learn in the following months.
I use other programming languages: Yes
If YES – which ones? HTML, CSS, VRA, EAD, SQL
Audio, video, editing and publishing skills: I know how to operate Premiere Pro for video editing, Adobe Photoshop for photo editing and WordPress for publishing articles.
Special interests/knowledge relevant for research/investigative journalism: women’s, LGBTQ+ and humanitarian rights in general, environmental issues as well as social and environmental responsibility of corporations.
Other skills/hobbies: Drawing, photography, reading.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: photo editing, article publishing and creative writing.
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here: Linkedin
Contact details (preferred): +30 6948901170