Assignment 1
I used the title and the description from the data set. The color of the line seemed neutral and good for the topic. The label of the line was clear to show what the data set showed. I added a description for screen readers which explained the increase between 1960 and 1990 as well as the year with the most reactors. I also checked the data to the source to make sure it was correct and linked the source beneath the chart.
For the column chart I chose the five countries with the most reactors. I think it's an interesting to see the big differences even within only the top five. I chose to order them from the most to the least. The name of each country as well as the number of reactors is visible and the source is linked.
Assignment 2A
In infograph I chose to do the charts as similar as possible to the graphs from datawrapper.
Assignment 2B
Assignment 1
Assignment 2A
For the maps I chose a neutral background to make the data layer stand out.
Checklist – visualizations
Make sure all the following is included/correct in every visualization:
All numbers double checked
I've checked all the numbers to make sure they are correct
Headline/title / Spell check
I've checked the spelling for each chart. For the line chart I used the title and description from the data as all the data is used in the chart. For the column chart I described which data I used from the data set.
Axis and legend titles (If possible. Otherwise described in caption)
For datawrapper and flourish I put the legend on the line chart whilst the Infograph line chart has the label above the chart.
In infograph all the years are labeled on the axis, but I prefer the labels on the datawrapper/flourish line chart.
Y-axis starts at 0
Conscious choice of colors – (explained on request)
I chose colors that I thought looked nice. I also made sure to chose neutral colors that I believe don't hold strong meanings (such as red).
The source is linked under each chart.
Instructions for use (when needed)
Since the charts are not interactive I don't think there's a need for much explanation for how to "use" them.
Context or explanation (when needed)
There's an explanation of the chart under each title.
I'v added bylines on each chart.
Accessibility (contrast, caption for screen readers, attached table etc)
(explained on request)
I've added screen readings for each chart.
Understandable for someone who sees the visualization for the first time
(show it to someone outside the newsroom)
Each chart is easy to understand according to me. I also showed the graphs to my friend outside the class who understood them.
Url with the visualization checked on a mobile device