The top 10 countries with the highest number of nuclear reactors were chosen, because of its big impact on world politics.
Smartphone: How do the charts from the different tools appear on your smartphone? Are there any problems?
No problems appear.
Colours: How easy/difficult is it to change colours with the different tools?
In Flourish it was a little tricky at first, but in the other tools it was easy.
Text/labels: How easy/difficult is it to work with text/labels in the different tools?
It was pretty easy and similar in all the tools, in my opinion.
Flexibility: How flexible are the tools? Can you make the changes you want to do?
I think Flourish was the most advanced and most flexible. Datawrapper and Infogram had basic functions and were easy, but maybe not as flexible.
Accessibility: Which different options for accessibility do the tools have?
Datawrapper had the function of testing for colorblindness, which was good. Otherwise it was pretty similiar for all of the tools.
What are the main benefits of:
- Datawrapper? Simple and have the basics.
- Infogram? More advanced images than Datawrapper.
- Flourish? Great variety.
Which one of the tools do YOU prefer, so far?
Maps on the smartphone: All the maps look okay on the phone and I did not need to change anything.
I found Datawrapper much more easy than Flourish, but I could do more complicated things with Flourish. The tasks was a fun way to learn!
Checklist – visualizations
Make sure all the following is included/correct
in every visualization:
All numbers double checked. CHECK!
Headline/title. CHECK!
Spell check. CHECK!
Axis and legend titles (If possible. Otherwise described in caption) CHECK!
Units. CHECK!
Y-axis starts at 0. CHECK!
Conscious choice of colors – (explained on request). CHECK!
Source. CHECK!
Instructions for use (when needed). CHECK!
Context or explanation (when needed). CHECK!
Byline. CHECK!
Accessibility (contrast, caption for screen readers, attached table etc)
(explained on request). CHECK!
Understandable for someone who sees the visualization for the first time
(show it to someone outside the newsroom). CHECK!
Url with the visualization checked on a mobile device. CHECK!