Name: Matteo
Age: 22 (23 on 15th September)
Origin country/town: Bologna, Italy
Other places where you have lived: Pisa
Where are you living at the moment? Mölndal
Languages: Italian, English
Academic background: Bachelor degree in Digital Humanities from the University of Pisa
Work background: journalist, web developer (current)
Journalistic experience: I’ve written for some web newsrooms since 2016. At the moment I’m the editor-in-chief of Change The Future, the newsroom of the volounteers of the Youth Movement for Save the Children
Writing skills (English): B2 (6.5 in IELTS writing test, overall score of 7.5)
Data and graphic skills: data cleaning with OpenRefine, data analysis with Python and Google Sheets, data visualization with Flourish, Datawrapper and D3.js
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES
I have used Python: YES
I use other programming languages: YES
If YES – which ones? Javascript (Next.js, React, node.js), HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP, XML
Audio, video, editing and publishing skills: basic knowledge of WordPress and Adobe Premiere
Special interests/knowledge relevant for research/investigative journalism: I am interested in the culture of slow and data journalism, open data and data humanism
Other skills/hobbies: playing ukulele and basketball, homebrewing and homemade liqueurs
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: programming skills
Is there something you want to add?
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here: Linkedin profile
Contact details (preferred):,